Flower Guild


Flower Guild

The beautiful flowers which adorn the altar through the seasons of the Church year from Advent, to Easter, to Pentecost are a beautiful reminder of God's grace.

Firstly, flowers serve as an expression of the beauty of creation and our love for God as well as a means of glorifying his name.

Flowers in Church or indeed outside, are there to remind us of "Creation", creation of all things living, and that brings us to the "Resurrection" which in itself is actually re-creation, or made alive. if our Church is based on the belief of the Resurrection then flowers are a fitting symbol and should be used as often as possible as a reminder that we are all created beautiful in God's eyes. Therefore, we should make our Church an example of that beauty.

We have flowers at funerals with the belief in the resurrection. We have flowers at weddings with the belief that unity is being created as Adam and Eve were made one.

We are all one with Christ and so let flowers symbolize just that.

Consider the lilies, how they grow;
they neither toil nor spin;
yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.
- Luke 12:27

Flowers are donated weekly by St. Francis parishioners. Flowers are dedicated in thanksgiving or in memoriam of loved ones; family or friends.

After the service, the altar flowers are shared with residents of assisted living or nursing homes as part of our Nursing Home Ministry or left on the altar for use throughout the week.

If you are interested in signing up and picking a Sunday or Sundays, you can sign the Flower Chart in the Parish Hall, call Karen Friedman, Administrative Assistant, or contact Cee Cee Picou for assistance.

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